Share the fun of your day! With the Social Media + GIF Package, guests will have their still images automatically compiled into an instantly shareable GIF which they can immediately text, email, or post on social media! You and your guests will love this unique way to capture memories and spread the love.

Guests will step into the photo booth and take several photos.
Right after every photo booth session, the booth compiles the photos into a fun cinematic reel.
And then the screen plays the GIF with options to email or post the GIF directly to social media (GIF is also Instagram optimized!)
After the event, we will send you all the GIF files along with the photos so you have the whole set!

It's a major attraction for guests. Just peek at our blog to see!
Photographers and videographers have a tendency to focus on the couple, the bridal party, and close family. So this is your way to spread the love--even to your more shy guests!
You'll love having the compilation of both photos and GIFs to share and enjoy for years to come!